

National Microchipping MonthNational Microchipping Month was in June so we’re a bit behind the times but the point still stands that microchipping is an important part of pet ownership. Petlog, a lost and found pet database run by the Kennel Club, reports that since 2023 a staggering 25000 pets have gone missing in the UK. Overwhelmingly it’s cats that go missing, but of course microchips also reunite pets with owners as long as you make sure your contact details are kept up to date.

Legal position

Since June 2024, pet cats must be microchipped before 20 weeks old. Failure to have your cat microchipped and keep your details up to date could mean a fine of £500.

Benefits of microchipping

Of course you hope your pet never goes missing, but if it does you have the best chance of getting it back if it’s microchipped. This isn’t the only benefit though, particularly in a multi-cat household.

The obvious benefit of microchipping is controlling access to the house through a microchip catflap. You can stop unwelcome cats coming in and stop your cat going out and tweak this to allow some cats more freedom than others. We can provide a Petflap that works with a standard top-hung microchip catflap, giving you the insulation and draughtproofing of a Petflap together with the access control of a microchip catflap. This can be a microchip catflap that you already have, or one that we buy and fit as part of the build. Contact us for more details.

Microchipping You can even control your pets’ access to food with a microchip enabled pet feeder. This has multiple benefits. If you have one pet on prescription food or that has medication added to their food, you can ensure only that cat eats that food. If you have a greedy cat or a slow eater you can protect food by restricting access to the right cat only.

How is microchipping done?

The microchip itself looks like a grain of rice. For cats and dogs, the microchip is usually implanted in the scruff of the neck with a specially adapted needle. It’s briefly uncomfortable but is over very quickly just like an injection. Your cat won’t be impressed with you at the time but it will be quickly forgotten and will cause the cat no ongoing bother. It’s a moment of discomfort for a lifetime of peace of mind. Just remember to keep those details up to date.